The Value of a Yard Sign

At a recent local investor meeting the question was raised, "should we use a sign in the yard, even if we only plan to wholesale the property?"

I have a very strong opinion about yard signs.

Yes - you should use a sign at every opportunity.

1. A sign in the yard is probably the best marketing tool you can use. We have an addendum we hand out to sellers giving us permission to start marketing as soon as we have the signed contract. By signing the addendum, they give us permission to put a lock box on the door and a sign in the yard, as well as show the property at pre-approved times. Naturally they don't always sign and, when they don't, we respect that. When they do sign, however, we jump right on it.

2. Because neighbors see our signs, they often call to say "can you buy my house, too?" or "I have someone who is interested in buying this house from you" (a friend, family member, co-worker). Signs often produce immediate feedback.

3. When doing a rehab, we immediately put a sign in the yard with a "Coming Soon" rider. The neighbors are thrilled to know the house is being renovated and, again, often have a buyer. Additionally, people driving the neighborhood do so because they have interest in the area or work nearby. A sign in the yard may be the only way they'll know your house is for sale.

4. A sign protects your property. Neighbors call when they see anything suspicious going on: "lights have been left on at your house", "water is running out of your house" (yes, we received this call..), "a tree fell on your house", etc. Naturally, it's not always bad news, but you get the idea.

5. Signs going up and coming back down quickly - because your property sells quickly - are enticing to those thinking of selling their own home.

6. Additionally, for years I've said that the number one way we rent properties is by signs in the yard. Don't underestimate this inexpensive way to get your name and number out to the public.

There's added impact if you have more than one sign out in an area at a time. Just as real estate agents become known in an area, you can too! Signs play a big role in that recognition.

Do you put out signs? You should.

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign!!!

**Side note - the above photo was taken last week at a property we're rehabbing. About 5 days before we finished the property, we accepted a full price offer on it because the buyer has been wanting something in this neighborhood and didn't want to miss out on this one. Thank goodness for this sign!


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