Some Reasons, You Need A Real Estate Agent, With True ETHICS
Although, most state's laws, and real estate boards, require their agents, comply with, an ethical code of behavior, in all their transactions, and interactions, there often appears, to be, considerable challenges, in defining, precisely, what agent ETHICS, means and represents. Since, for most of us, our house's value, represents our largest, single, financial asset, doesn't it make sense, to demand, the individual, you hire, serve and represent you, while protecting your interests? With that in mind, this article will attempt, to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this concept, does, should, and must matter, and be demanded, and required. 1. Empathy; efforts; emphasis; excellence; endurance: When you interview potential agents, observe, whether they try to dominate the conversation, and speak, or, prioritize, effectively listening and learning, what you need, and seek! How can anyone's efforts, focus on their clients, un...